13th Ordinary Session of NOCC Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of the National Observatory on Climate Change (NOCC) met on 19th July 2022 for its thirteenth Ordinary Session, in the board room of NOCC's Head Office in Yaounde, under the auspices of the Board Chairman, Mr. ENOH Peter AYUK.
Prof. AMOUGOU Joseph Armathé, Director General of NOCC, reported on the deliberations, assisted by Mr. FORGHAB Patrick MBOMBA, Deputy Director General.After examining and deliberating on the different points on the agenda of the meeting, the Board members:
· Adopted the Minutes of the 12th Ordinary Session of the Board of Directors of NOCC held on 29th December 2021 subject to the amendments made by the Administrators;
· Adopted the administrative and management accounts as closed on the 31st December 2021.
Finally, the Board congratulated the Director General and his team for the quality and clarity of the documents presented and encouraged him to stay on the same track.